Webinar: ''Embrace your fear

Webinar: ''Embrace your fear"

Upon completion of my training "Speak & Inspire" offered by Lisa Nichols, one of the most renowned speakers and mentors in the world, I decided to create a webinar about fear management, as I see that fear touches and affects our lives to such an extent t

The goal is to demythologize fear and realize its actual dimension, by allowing us to transform it from a force of inaction to a force of action. 


- feel that fear immobilizes them 

- fear hinders their development and growth

- fear deprives them of the joy and pleasure of life 

- look for ways to manage fear

- are parents and wish to show their children a different path from that of fear and   the virtual security it offers, as they understand that their own fears will be conveyed to their children  

- feel determined to release their fears 

Topics to be discussed:

- What is fear and how it works

- Why fear is useful 

- The negative effects of fear

- The importance of acknowledging our fears 

- Conscious observation of my thoughts and feelings

- Are our fears real?

- The 3 steps of fear transmutation 

- The antidotes to fear


- understand and recognize my fears 

- realize that fear hosts me prisoner of my own mind

- transform fear into positive energy

- get out of the autopilot state 

- listen to my fear 

- discern when fear really protects me and when it hinders me

- adopt a new friendly attitude towards fear 


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