"Plan the next major change in your life"

We often feel an urge to bring some changes in our lives, but we don't know where or how to begin. Sometimes the desired change is blurry or unclear.

B ut even when it starts to get clear, it is accompanied by the anxiety or the fear of potential failure. As a result, we resist to change and feel restrained or immobilized instead. The closer we get to making the change, the greater the resistance we express.

Having these thoughts in mind, we designed the CHANGE seminar.

The goal of this seminar is to provide guidance and support on the personal journey of CHANGE that each one of us wishes to manifest.


- need some change in their lives and seek for guidance towards this direction

- decided to bring change into one or more areas

- are already walking the path of change but dealing with obstacles

- have a business idea they wish to bring into fruition

- feel determined to move on to the next version of themselves

 Topics we will focus both on a group level and individually which are attuned to your goals:

- The process of change

- The mindset of evolution

- Turning a wish into a goal

- The journey out of the comfort zone

- Resistance to change, enemies, and obstacles

- Weapons and allies

- The power of inner drive

- Balance and flow

- Focus and awareness

- Creativity and innovation

- Vision and meaning

- Tools and exercises that facilitate the journey of change


- better understand the process of change

- adopt a mindset of continuous evolution

- seek and challenge potential positive change

- overcome my fears and step out of my comfort zone more and more often

- discern in a timely manner my enemies and obstacles, my weapons, and allies

- turn my vague desires into precise goals

- acquire inner motivation and understand when I am within the flow

- come up with more creative and innovative solutions to my problems

- equip myself with new critical skills that will keep me supported during the journey of my personal transformation

 WHEN. This workshop will take place on Saturday and Sunday 20 & 21 November 2021, 10:00-18:00.


The coordinators of the workshop are Manolis Stratakis, Evolution Coach and Marina Chaireti, Empowerment & Transformation Consultant.


All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


A few days prior to the seminar, a short, introductory one-to-one meeting will be scheduled between the coordinators and each one of the participants.


To keep our goals vivid, we added an additional meeting within a course of a month. During the meeting, we will  have the opportunity to discuss the lessons we learned, how we are doing, the difficulties we have been coping with as  well  as our  achievements.


Clieck here for the testimonials.


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