The Impact of a Small Win

The Impact of a Small Win

Welcome! In this article we will discuss our small wins! How do you deal with your wins? Do you acknowledge them, appreciate them, give yourself credits? Do you celebrate your small wins?

Oftentimes, acknowledging an achieved win in our everyday life entails it needs to be as big as winning the gold medal at the Olympics. But is it how it really works?

After all, is it possible that our perception of win and success is distorted?

I used to be one of those people, who did not give credits to her wins and whatever my achievement was, I considered it as of minor importance. As I trained to be modest, and living in the constant fear of becoming self-important, cheering my triumphs was not an option.

When someone praised my skills and abilities, my immediate reaction was to undermine the value of their comments; until I realized that by posing this attitude, I was constantly pulling the rug from under my feet and condemning myself to mediocrity.  

If you've ever met an employee whose manager or employer did not recognize the value of their contribution and never said ‘’Well done’’ no matter how hard their effort was, then you are familiar with the rules of this game..

Our self awaits to hear a good word from us, a ''bravo, I'm so proud of you'', but we insist on keeping us deprived of the reward. I know though that we may did not receive any rewards as kids, establishing, therefore, a false give and take pattern.

But wait a second..

How should a hard-working person react, when feeling that whatever they do is not enough or knowing that they will never receive the positive feedback they deserve? It’ s highly likely that this unappreciative behavior will be discouraging, leading them to detachment from any kind of effort.    

On top of that, not only we refuse to do the job we ought to do, but also, we willingly condemn ourselves and stand against us for every single mistake we make.

Never praise, always blame.

The consequence of this behavior would be us losing ourselves, without even realizing it.

And at this point, I encourage you to observe how you treat yourself.

In simple words, learn to acknowledge the small and daily wins in your life; the breakfast you and your family had in the morning, the sweet goodbye kiss you exchanged with your kid before school, the food you cooked, the kind word you said to a stranger as well as to yourself, even the fact that you woke up in the morning.

We tend to treat ourselves as we treat others. But when it comes to self-talk, we judge ourselves harshly. However, Based on Positive Psychology, self-compassion equals self-acceptance. This will enable you to better understand and empathize both with yourself and others while leading you to the conclusion that the greatest victory is the one that consists of many small daily wins.   

If you read the biography of successful people, you will get a better grasp of how a great success results from a heap of victories and failures, towards which they expressed their understanding and acceptance.

Train yourself how to recognize win, create your own ''Winner of Life'' journal and build the habit of writing down three small wins daily. These three little achievements will lead you to the big one. These achievements will boost your self-esteem and confidence and empower you to take one step bigger each and every time!

Look for opportunities to reward yourself, just like you did with your kid every time they fell while trying to walk. How many times did they fall? In the end, your kid made it to standing and then walking, because you were there to offer support and unconditional encouragement.

Taking one small step at a time, will lead you to your own inner magnificence, and believe it or not, you do have magnificence. Just allow it to surface and let it shine.

Celebrate the triumphs that today you don't even bother to see and treat yourself the way you want other people to treat you.

I believe in you, an unsung hero who works small miracles every day; give yourself credits for all your hard work and efforts, and as your achievements grow bigger and bigger you will see yourself infinitely evolving.

You were born for greatness; let the light within you shine and become a source of inspiration for your life and the life of others.


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