My journey to personal growth

My journey to personal growth

For a long time I believed that I was a good person with pure intentions, but whenever I had to deal with a difficult situation and things got difficult, I asked myself the question "Why is this happening to me?"

Have you ever - in a moment of despair - turned to God for an explanation? Because I did it! I wonder why God does not return my kindness and instead puts difficulties in my path when all I want is to help others.

It took years, but I finally managed to discover not only the answer to this WHY, but much more about me, life and people.

During the first decade of my adult life, I played the role of a victim. I didn't own my own life because I allowed other people to define it, while prioritizing their needs and desires over mine.

On a family level, I wanted to keep everyone happy and create conditions of peace and joy. I had missed it as a kid because our home felt like a war zone and I used to be constantly on alert, as I felt I was the scapegoat of the family. Thus, I took the responsibility to wave the flag of truce whenever necessary.

What a great disappointment! Despite my enormous efforts, I could not create the life conditions I desired. No matter how hard I try to connect with my family or make them aware of each other's different perspectives, not only my efforts were in vain, but ultimately I was the one to blame. It took me a while to realize that fighting was in their DNA; they were conditioned to live in a ''war'' environment, where I played the role of peacemaker of my family, but I was also part of the war. You see, without a war, the role of peacemaker is meaningless.

Judgment flourished in our home. I was sick and tired of us judging each other and everyone else, as well as seeking to find faults with everything. Apparently, it was passed down from generation to generation. I don't blame my family anymore, I now understand. I used to think that because I had been subjected to tons of criticism and despised it, I wasn't being critical. 

But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Discovering myself later, the magnifying glass finally showed me that Yes, I too had been overly judgmental mostly about myself by constantly comparing myself to others.

In my 30s and 40s, the journey to my self-development had already begun. I rebelled, grew up, and finally stopped playing the blame game and took responsibility for my life. But I went to extremes; from a victim I turned myself into a rebel. I became stubborn, tough and showed zero tolerance. 

Over the next decade, and as I moved deeper into my inner knowing and the universal laws, I found balance; I learnt how to set my own boundaries without having to ‘’bark’’ and I experienced empathy and an intense inner desire to serve other people.

In the decade I am currently in, I uncovered the hidden world of emotions and realized that in my effort not to get hurt by the behavior of others, I froze all my emotions. But you can't freeze the negative feelings without freezing the positive ones.

It was then that I discovered that all of life's difficulties were challenges and lessons that pushed me to become a better version of myself; It was then that I truly understood that difficult times were blessings that had to be seen.

And somehow, I did; I found joy in life, felt and expressed gratitude, took steps to forgive myself, and saw my life purpose from a different perspective, by replacing ''I'' with ''We".

Behind the things I've done for others over the past few years, I've found an underlying need to receive validation, acceptance, and love. In other words, my intention wasn't clear now it was sparkling.

Therefore, in a life path of constant and gradual change in which I have improved more and more every day, the experience of multiple roles and different states of being has managed to bring me closer to myself and my identity.

How did I get this far? Through my determination and focus on becoming a better version of myself every single day.

As this is a never-ending journey, I have been making use of various tools that support me up to this day such as seminars, books, all sorts of resources that are easily accessible, affordable and of immense benefit. Each of those means widened my horizon and perspective, taking the understanding of my life and myself to a whole new level.

As I truly believe that the best version of yourself doesn't arise just by itself, but with the support of people who once walked in your shoes, this is my life's mission; to provide support and guidance to people who, through my workshops, talks and books, will succeed in becoming agents of giving and freedom, and who will eventually discover their hidden greatness and joy in life.

The greatest investment we can make, is an investment in our most valuable resource, ourselves. This is the way to a full and joyful life that is also based on giving Man was made to give. Enjoy the ride!

Imagine what a better place this world would be if more people gave unconditionally!

The world we dream of and want to live in begins with personal responsibility!

The more we become, the more things change, both for our benefit and for the benefit of others, but above all for the benefit of our children and the future of humanity.



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